Monday 30 July 2012

My United Nations Competition entries.

The following three images are what i submitted into the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Energy for All - 2012 competition. The brief was very open to interpretation, but all in all I feel i have entered three strong images that demonstrate three individual ways of creating a message without being overly selective or subjective.

Yes i was focused around the colour green, because when i did a quick survey amongst my  friends via sms asking what 'Sustainable Energy' means to then, the general response from them was focussed around a "green" future, so i ran with that in each of my images.

The use of electricity for me was also an important factor to focus on, because i do feel that our modern society demands so much of it and yet we forget to take more steps to help conserve it - whether it be at home, work or play. So there is also a hint of this in my creations.

Anyway, take a moment to look over them and please leave me any feedback if you like :]


Theme title: Waste and Inefficiency
Conceptual break-down: My concept was aimed at how our dependancy to consume electricity far outweighs our ability to conserve/minimise our use of it.


Theme title: What Can I Do?
Conceptual break-down: A solution for sustainable energy will not happen overnight, but we can certainly start to make all the right moves towards making it happen.


Theme title: The future We Want.
Conceptual break-down: I wanted to use a simplified way of explaining that is up to everyone - general public (footprint) - industry (bootprint) - business (toe-heelprints) and youth (sneaker print) to try leave a greener carbon footprint when it comes to the future we want.

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