Sunday 6 May 2012

Initial Briefing.


What: United Nations competition - 2012 International Year of Sustainable Energy.
Where: CSIRO - Discovery Centre.

Notes from today:
Christopher from the UN's Australian branch.
  • 1 in 5 lack electrical energy.
  • 3 billion people still rely on tradition means of heating (an actual fire)
  • energy wastage, supply and demand continues to grow at a rapid rate in established society.
  • balancing all elements of modern growth and development requires us to live in a sustainable way.

Three categories to think about:

  1. What is the future i want?
  2. How do we stop waste and inefficient use of energy?
  3. What can i do to help?

Adrian from CIT.
  • The essence of this competition is to challenge yourself and go beyond your current abilities to fulfil a message.
  • Express curiosity in this opportunity to participate.
  • Face the challenge and grow from the experience.
  • This is a real-world issue that you can help to send a message out to the world about so as to better educate and create change.

Woman from CSIRO office.
  • Social - bringing all people together.
  • Environmental - maintaining a balance.
  • Resources - use and re-use.
  • Growth - and its demands on the earth.
  • Technology - to help the issue.

Stuart from Questacon.
  • Am i just about sending a message? or am i all about creating change?
  • My tool to help is my skills as a photographer and my photographs.
  • How can i best combine the two?
Frank Zapper - Philosopher (research some of his thoughts)

  • creating a sense of guilt does not necessarily create change.
  • The issue is complex, but the message can be simple.
  • Create a result that encourages people to change and enjoy/embrace the benefits of change.

Since this initial brief, i have gone away and done some research into it all and found some conceptual images that may help create some ideas in my head to continue with this further. I'm confident once i have time to really sit down and think about all this and begin to work on a concept it will all come together for me, but for now, my attention is on my CIT assignments and assessment tasks.

Stay tuned.


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